My first attempt at Wall Art - Mural
It's a culmination of all my childhood inspirations. Blue, being my most loved color, surrounds the images inclosing them with "love". The centre, the white space behind the mike, is ledt blank because it's symbolises the onfusion or element of mystery in my nature.
Mark Knopfler

Charcoal on Sketching paper
A3 size

Oil on Canvas

Oil on Canvas
2.5' x 3.5'
( A work in progress )

Oil on canvas
Deep Purple

Charcoal on paper
Still life
Pencil on paper
A3 size
Beauty lies in the Eye of the beholder
Mark Knopfler 

Oil on canvas


Oil on Canvas
Another Wall Artwork.

Going with an Autumn theme. Along with a subtle golden light highlighting the edge.
Green Day

Charcoal on paper
A4 size
Jimi Hendrix

Pencil on paper
A3 size

This is a project for a company called Ink Print Studios.
God's artwork in motion

Oil on canvas
"The Creation of Adam" - Michelangelo

Oil on canvas
Pencil on paper

Made this on a trip I was on, rather boring one if you know what I mean...
Oil on canvas
Fine Art

Fine Art

A collection of my old and recent work in the field of FIne Art and Design.
